Lake worth Bullfrog cheerleaders

Frequently Asked Questions

Sent your question in and we'll get it answered and posted.

Q: Correct Motions for cheerleader
A: Here is a printable PDF that shows most common motions

Q: Correct Jumps for cheerleader
A: Some of the most common jumps PDF

Q: Stuns for cheerleader
A: Note: Never try any of these stuns without supervision; Some of the most common Stun Technique  PDF Core Stuns PDF


Q: Competition what is it all about

A: Competition is a mix of cheer, dance and stuns performed for point on different aspects of your routines put together with fast pace music, below are some of the terms and rules about each.

Special Note: When viewing the rules make note we are Rec Level 5

Cheer Age Key PDF

Cheer  Glossary PDF

Cheer Rules PDF





Q: How Many Sprit Rows and Sprit Sticks Do I Need Per Game

A: 4 Sprit rows and 1 Sprit stick per game



Additional Resources
